




Night Visitors

Night Visitors

It’s 3:00 a.m. and I wake up when Todd says, “There’s a critter in your closet.” Silence… “Rose is in there.” Good, I think, go back to sleep. “…now it’s behind the bed.” “Sweetie, I don’t...
Stillness in Morning

Stillness in Morning

Every morning I sit in the quiet, seemingly alone. I begin to read from the books beside my chair, the Bible with its broken binding and a collection of tattered devotions, and my mind is quieted. My heart begins to open. In my loneliness, as I read and ponder, I...
I Am You Are

I Am You Are

You are Wounded Caged, deceived Barren Naked   Wars, rumors, quakes Famines Live within Release You Find Me Intimacy Unchained I Am Complete I Am Forgiveness  ...
Birthing Pains?

Birthing Pains?

The inner stirrings of new life and pain woke me in the night and in a fog, I thought I was pregnant. I remembered the feeling, clearly, from all those years ago as I made my way to the bathroom. I knew it was Eastertide—a time of wonder and hope—but even in my...

Lunch at Dad’s

I called him this morning and his phone was turned off. I’ve told him a dozen times he doesn’t have to turn it off when it’s charging but he doesn’t listen. It makes me crazy when I can’t get through to him. He didn’t answer his landline...
My True Love Gave to Me

My True Love Gave to Me

The day before Christmas, we talked about waves. My son’s call came in the early morning from a thousand miles away–I closed my eyes so he could sit beside me. It was an honest talk… where we let the truth rise and fall on each other. A mother...

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