

Joy in the Fury

Joy in the Fury

Joy, how do we meet with you? How are you made manifest In the fury? Where do you begin and, tell me, Will you ever end? Are you like the broken iceberg Weighted by the storm, loosened From the shore, now set afloat and free? Or are you like the waves that make...
Unexpected Guests

Unexpected Guests

Have you ever had an unexpected guest travel along side you as you take a walk—-in front, behind, above, beside and bop you on the head kind of guest? Funny Monarch. Nature’s tinker bell, spiritual symbol, life’s reminder of hope sometimes knows it has to stick around...
Attune Your Imagination

Attune Your Imagination

Tender His thoughts by hearing His voice, He might speak through another to you. It may enter in waves, rushing tides of truth, or in whispers, morning dew’s holy kiss. Bending limbs, these arms carry sorrow yet reach skyward towards Eternity. Listen with your...
The Sun Comes Up

The Sun Comes Up

Your voice came to Elijah in a whisper A light from heaven flashed, You spoke to Paul In a vision You came to Annanias I sit with Bible open, and long to hear Your call 1 Kings 19:12, Acts 9:3, Acts 9:10 Once a Day Bible Day...
Spring Sand Seagulls and Snow?

Spring Sand Seagulls and Snow?

The one good thing about a spring snowfall is that you can have a lengthy Sunday afternoon nap and take a walk in it while it’s still light out! Last month I would have already been pouring a glass of wine and cooking dinner at 6:00. Springtime takes on an...

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