

Meta Lake, A Marriage and Little Miracles

Meta Lake, A Marriage and Little Miracles

We headed up to Eagle River after I celebrated my thirty days of abstaining from wine with a glass of wine the night before. It didn’t taste good. It made me tired. It kept me awake in the night. For more than thirty years, I counted on my glass(es) of wine at the end...
To You On the Other Side of All That

To You On the Other Side of All That

Sometimes you have to get all the way over to the other side of something before you can see it for what it was, which can be so different from how it seemed at the time. Dog in T-shirt to protect sutures, feeding dog by hand, giving meds wrapped in sausage have all...
Truly and Deeply and Madly

Truly and Deeply and Madly

As the story goes, up until twenty-three-and-a-half years ago, I had been looking for love in all the wrong places. Then one snowy winter night in the Midwest, I came to an impasse. Standing on a street corner beneath the glow of a streetlamp, stood a tall man in a...
“A Late Letter to Sam”

“A Late Letter to Sam”

Day 14 Deb’s Advent Calendar Advent is a time for remembering pets. Day 14: Advent is a time for remembering pets. It came on a night I was feeling hopeless. The letter was from a poet named Sarah I had met through my years of blogging. She had often encouraged...
Lunch “Hour” with the Pets

Lunch “Hour” with the Pets

I really thought I was getting this down to a science… Walk in back door. Feed Fannie, carry Sam outside. Let him sniff. Move fast to add second load of wash. Leash Fannie. Grab baggies and treats as Fannie flings jubilantly around ankles and prances out the...
Old Dog, Big Puppy and Sassy Cat

Old Dog, Big Puppy and Sassy Cat

I left my computer at work tonight because I thought Todd would be home. You know, just anticipating a little quality time. When the garage door was closed as I pulled up the driveway, I checked my text, Event Thursday night, GreenBay tonight. Rats. I could have fit...

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