

Change of Direction

Change of Direction

It was such an unexpectedly cold day yesterday. And windy. We thought it was going to be in the 60s but you know what they always say here, “Cooler near the lake…” The sand was blowing like gusts of fog so I walked with my head down. Todd tied his hood tight and...
Growing Down

Growing Down

It was a regular weekday morning and we were just running a few ordinary errands, like taking my car in for new brake pads, picking up some milk, when just outside the grocery story, I came across this extraordinary beauty. It took my breath away, especially the busy...
One to One

One to One

And there it was again, Song of Songs! The binding of my Bible is broken so that it automatically opens to Song of Songs. After a few times of reading over the words I’d underlined over the years, I ignored it and moved on to the Chapters I was studying (one chapter...
When Overcome By the One Who Became

When Overcome By the One Who Became

I have come from one place, arrived here, and am now in-between here and the place I am going. I wait in my favorite room facing north with a beautiful view, all yellow and blue like Van Gogh’s Starry Night. This artist trusted his life’s work and was not led...

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