

On Rejection and Encouragement

On Rejection and Encouragement

This is a heads up that the beautiful March Issue of Creative Wisconsin Literary Magazine is out. It’s a one stop shop to read most of my favorite Wisconsin writers like some in this issue (Lisa, Jim, Rose, Larry, Barbara, Steve, Kim…) You can get your copy here. And...
When Hope Wains

When Hope Wains

“I Am.” I woke up this morning with the song we sang on Sunday running through my head. “Christ Is My Firm Foundation.”  Making coffee, I was singing when Todd walked into the kitchen. “I don’t know how people can get through these times without faith,”  I said, then...
Snow Angel—A City Steward

Snow Angel—A City Steward

We come here almost every day, to the steps leading up St. Mary’s Hill that’s a little like climbing the stairway to heaven, in my imagination. Especially in the snow. We don’t know where she lives, but she comes to shovel and salt the 87 or so steps, even when the...
One Strong Force of Nature

One Strong Force of Nature

I noticed my good friend Vivienne had pulled out and stopped in the parking lot as I was leaving Bible study last Friday. Then I noticed she was trying to tell me something. Then I noticed that I was standing in front of my good friend Annie’s car and Annie was inside...
Change of Direction

Change of Direction

It was such an unexpectedly cold day yesterday. And windy. We thought it was going to be in the 60s but you know what they always say here, “Cooler near the lake…” The sand was blowing like gusts of fog so I walked with my head down. Todd tied his hood tight and...

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