
Mental Health




Souls in Exile

Souls in Exile

“You have made known to me the path of life; You will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.”  The Rabbi read Psalm 16 in Hebrew then English to open the memorial service for my friend Jonathan Brostoff yesterday, November 8. “To...
Hope in Hard Places

Hope in Hard Places

I say that I write to find Hope in hard places. But what does that mean? We are just upon the Advent season, my favorite stretch of the year—it’s like celebrating a Birthday for four weeks. The first of the four candles representing each week leading up to Christmas...
One to One

One to One

And there it was again, Song of Songs! The binding of my Bible is broken so that it automatically opens to Song of Songs. After a few times of reading over the words I’d underlined over the years, I ignored it and moved on to the Chapters I was studying (one chapter...

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