

Do You Hear the Song?

Do You Hear the Song?

Why Jeremiah? I woke up thinking about Jeremiah, the Weeping Prophet. He Was all ready to quit when God asked him something Like this: do you want To race with the crowd or run With Horses? What does That mean? I doubt it Was about fame or fortune. He was weary. Yet,...
Twenty-four Hours

Twenty-four Hours

Twenty-four hours, That’s all we have. What’s past is Gone. Do not try to Carry it with you Along the path forward. We Have today and just Today, to live with Peace, to experience Joy And To breathe in Love. Set to task. Only You can do what is being Asked...
One Tiny Wonder

One Tiny Wonder

I turn the handle On the faucet, icy cold Water pours into The sink, and then I Notice the ladybug. In Seconds it’s pummeled, Wings spread wide as it Tries to fly. Imagine that Tiny bug staying Afloat. It circles One way and then the other Almost losing the Battle....

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