




Tater Tots on Tuesdays

Tater Tots on Tuesdays

The post below was originally posted on Feb 24, 2015 and is a repost from my blog Sundays with Dad. Although it’s a very different year, it is a Tuesday and, apparently, the day for Tater Tot casseroles in my life. I made one this week (we’ll have...
On Returning to the Place I Call Home

On Returning to the Place I Call Home

When we first started living in this old house in 1969, I never gave a thought to how many times I would leave and return to its backdoor. It was the family home. When you’re fifteen, you don’t think about these things. At that point, I only knew I planned to leave. I...
On Saving Stories

On Saving Stories

This is the last birthday we all had with Pops. His own pops made it to 62, and his mother and brother to 80. He was sure he wouldn’t make it past the mark of his 8th decade, but he kept going and going seven more years. It was a miracle. I do believe all our days...
Becoming One

Becoming One

Christ in you, the hope of glory. Colossians 1:27 We had been to a Christmas Eve service together—my husband, son and his wife—that year. It had left us wanting more, or less, as the case may have been. It was 2019, they had gone to church for me. The music had been a...

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