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Oh, the People You’ll Meet

Oh, the People You’ll Meet

Mailing the Agreement for Just Along for the Ride to my new publisher Sometimes I stand, hands in pockets (hopefully I have pockets) a little self-consciously, as people walk past me, mostly avoiding eye contact, because, you know, that’s what we do sometimes. And I...
Souls in Exile

Souls in Exile

“You have made known to me the path of life; You will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.”  The Rabbi read Psalm 16 in Hebrew then English to open the memorial service for my friend Jonathan Brostoff yesterday, November 8. “To...
Short Story Contest

Short Story Contest

I’m happy to share that “Turning Mourning Dancing” won a short story contest in @KaleidoScript Magazine: “After twenty-one years and forty moves, which included a career in theatre and dance, a marriage, a son, abuse, a divorce, a new career, a new marriage, and a...
Sometimes Never Forever

Sometimes Never Forever

—On Publishing, Prayers and Healing in My Second Chapter Sometimes I get so overwhelmed and filled with self doubt when I do my query searches for agents and publishers I feel like Dorothy in the field of the poppies. Oh, it can be discouraging and draining. Never is...
Holy Week and an Unexpected Call

Holy Week and an Unexpected Call

Where do I begin? It’s Holy Week. I decided I would hold off on writing because I wanted to soak it in, not spill out. Well, this is probably one of the longest posts I’ve written in a while, in spite of my best laid plan. I want to drink in these holy days ahead,...

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