




Stirred by a Noble Theme

Stirred by a Noble Theme

  My heart is stirred by a noble theme. It is not the first time. But I will not let it go this time. He comes to me in the early morning hours. I wait, listening for the wind but hear none. It’s too early for the birds so I lie in silence. Only the sounds from within...
She Came to Lift Me Up

She Came to Lift Me Up

She came to us in the night, unannounced, unexpected. He came to us in the night, unannounced, unexpected. She stood at my bedside like a flame, setting my heart alight with love. He stood like a flame, setting hearts alight with Love. She came because she knew I was...
Good Grief Good Grace

Good Grief Good Grace

I turned the handle, icy cold water poured out and then I noticed the ladybug. Within seconds, it was pummeled, wings spread wide as it tried to fly. Imagine that tiny bug staying afloat. It circled in a fury, one way then the other, almost losing the battle. I was...
Unexpected Guest

Unexpected Guest

Have you ever had an unexpected guest travel along side you as you take a walk—-in front, behind, above, beside and bop you on the head kind of guest? Funny Monarch. Nature’s tinker bell, spiritual symbol, life’s reminder of hope sometimes knows it has to stick around...
Wisdom in a Rose

Wisdom in a Rose

My eyes follow the ants marching in a straight line up the side of the house heading toward the kitchen window after first discovering them assembled in clusters beneath the pots of oregano, basil and fennel that I keep forgetting to snip for our summer suppers and I...
The Wind and the Wheat

The Wind and the Wheat

I’m drawn to the fields where the soft wheat shimmers beneath the sun, where sweat drips down the back of my neck as I walk for hours thinking about everything and nothing in particular. I’m drawn to the fields where I lay my head down and drift up to the clouds,...

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