




In Case There is Any Question

In Case There is Any Question

You are the trillium catching me by surprise in the woods You are the milky white of the stars spilling across the sky You are the flash of red in a forest of umbers and olives You are the flames of glory in the setting sun You are more than I ever hoped for and far...
Self-made or…? Surrendered

Self-made or…? Surrendered

Would I dare speak of being a Christ follower without holding my own “self” accountable to the Calvary part of God’s Love Story? I rarely hear the word outside of Easter. Calvary. It wasn’t even in my Webster’s Universal College...
More Than

More Than

Without Love, I am words faded, erased on a page, no more than the shavings left behind, without Hope. Yet this contradiction exists—- In lowy state, we find our Bliss. In poverty, I lay Me down And there find Calvary’s Love—- But what do I really know of this? O, to...
Setting Things Right

Setting Things Right

To set about setting things right, we need to know what is wrong. Right? But right according to whom? My right way may not be your right way. So how far will that get us in setting things right except in possibly setting ourselves up for making things wrong? Right?...
Dusty Feet in the Sea

Dusty Feet in the Sea

From pulpit to pew the words land wrong, wrestling with each other. I ask, “What will I lose if I lose myself to You? What will I leave behind?” It’s too much to consider so I remain as I am. Or is it that I have returned To find You waiting in my dust and have...
A Vertical Miracle

A Vertical Miracle

Rolling to one side, I keep rolling so I hold onto the pillow. Sitting up, I keep my eyes closed. This seems to help. Yawning, lifting my arms, forcing fists, checking for equal strength on both sides of myself, standing slowly Waiting for a sense of steadiness before...

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