
Being in the Heart of the Moment

Being in the Heart of the Moment

My faithful partner tried to put up the screen door earlier, we both forgot where he put the screws and hinges last fall. It’s a warm spring morning, a little muggy, clear sky, just the slightest veil of mist. Shadows land in shapes and patterns covering the street....
The 24,090th Day

The 24,090th Day

I fell asleep last night to the roar of the waves. Maybe that’s why I dreamt about a Lion. I don’t know. But the Lion told me all my days were numbered before one of them came to be. When I woke, I roughly counted that I have been alive for 24,090 days. It was...
Six Days at Topsail

Six Days at Topsail

1 Once she starts Haiku She cannot stop counting words It’s meditative Their beach house is glass Flattery is not allowed Untruth is revealed Social platitudes At the sea are washed away Shards of glass rubbed smooth 2 His foot prints in sand She bends to pick up sea...
6:15 AM

6:15 AM

“It bursts forth like a radiant bridegroom after his wedding. It rejoices like a great athlete eager to run the race.” Psalm 19:5 I woke up just past 4 AM Easter morning but stayed in bed till 6. Walking out the door with Fannie not long after, and remembering how...
The Long Walk Home

The Long Walk Home

I was sitting in my father’s chair (it creaks so badly as if mimicking my own bones) and humming a Hymn a friend reminded me of. A Hymn that brought back a Sunday in 2006 at Bethel Church on Washington Island with my family. We all sang in the choir that day–all...

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