by Deb Farris | Feb 28, 2023 | Family, Musings
When we first started living in this old house in 1969, I never gave a thought to how many times I would leave and return to its backdoor. It was the family home. When you’re fifteen, you don’t think about these things. At that point, I only knew I planned to leave. I...
by Deb Farris | Feb 23, 2023 | Travels, Writing
I probably should have stopped to take a breath when I couldn’t find my credit card as I was trying to book a room for the night in Denver because I missed my connection. I probably should not have had the glass of wine on the flight into Denver. My first flight had...
by Deb Farris | Feb 22, 2023 | Faith, Family, Musings
Dear One, The wind is blowing hard, it’s snowing across the country. We’re in the depths of winter but it’s the first day of Lent and Spring is coming! I am writing this to you this morning because my heart feels a little like that. It’s overflowing and I must. I...
by Deb Farris | Feb 20, 2023 | Faith, Musings, Writing
When we bought our house from my parents a couple decades ago, my father was excited to show me a large fossil rock in the backyard. It looked like it could have been the vertebrae of an ancient critter, maybe that of a huge hawk. A hawk at our bird feeder last...
by Deb Farris | Feb 9, 2023 | Family, Musings
This is the last birthday we all had with Pops. His own pops made it to 62, and his mother and brother to 80. He was sure he wouldn’t make it past the mark of his 8th decade, but he kept going and going seven more years. It was a miracle. I do believe all our days...