



Road Trip Banter

Road Trip Banter

“Arby’s or Taco Bell?” Todd asks. “You can’t lose with Mexican.” Neither, I think. “We just passed a MacDonald’s,” I say thinking I can get a salad. “I don’t want roast beef.” “Arby’s has more than roast beef. Don’t you remember? We stopped after looking at a car for...
She Called Me Gracie

She Called Me Gracie

Some people make an indelible difference in our lives. A woman named Sally was one of those people in mine. I’m sure many called her their best friend and she was surely mine. I called her Grace, she called me Gracie, to remind ourselves, she said, how much we needed...
For Our Mothers Who are In Heaven

For Our Mothers Who are In Heaven

At the hem of Christ’s cloak you wept. At the foot of Christ’s glory you bowed. At the center of centuries you stood, one with the resurrected One, who with two scarred hands, wiped away your tears. For you were convinced that neither death nor life…nor anything else...
Saturday Thoughts: What Do You Want?

Saturday Thoughts: What Do You Want?

The cat purrs against my leg. I look down at her and ask, “What do you want?” I pick her up, she wants down. I give her food, she walks away. Is life that simple? Just purr affectionately to be seen? To be, to be seen, to be…come. We can’t escape that there are...

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