The violin called out a sweet message setting a stage of elegance. I lifted my eyes from my conversation to the staircase as the dancers made their entrance and slowly began their descent into the space where the audience stood watching mesmerized and suddenly we were lifted into another dimension, where time stops, the strain of the day disappears and everyone becomes one.

We are all dancers together as the movement before us and within us, unites us–the vibrations of the strings–the dance is coming, the dancers becoming, we are becoming artist brush strokes, intersecting, sleek, sultry swirls of colors, lines extending then retracting, imprints on a palate. Like a gust of breath into the city night air, energy, exertion, a stance is stillness, a vision, a veil lifted, each moment vivid.

No past, no future. The Artist’s canvas. A clean slate. No dissension only beauty descending onto, into us all. Hush. Sweet silence. Somber, solemn stillness before a burst of light breaks forth. New life. This is dance. This is the dance within.

Photographer: Mark Frohna

Dancer: Kaitlyn Altmann, Danceworks Performance MKE

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