They walked on the shoreline of La Saladita and she said she needed a coconut shell to carry the treasures she was collecting.

Before she had even finished the sentence, she could feel his eyes roaming the sand. He found one within minutes and smashed it against a rock.

The hole he made was large enough for her three fingers to fit inside, creating a little beach purse she could slip her seashells into as they walked.

The day before they had collected so many sand dollars she felt guilty. Now they moved past the star-studded discs embedded extravagantly around them.

There was an abundance, to say the least, but they had been sand dollar satiated…

The coconut and sand dollars return to my thoughts today, reminding me of God’s abundance. His Grace.

We can hold onto the knowledge of the spiritual abunDANCE always available to us. He knows before we ask what we need.

We can fill ourselves to the rim, allow it to froth up and spill over, leaving a trail as we carry it along.

We can trust, all is well.

Because that creates a most beautiful DANCE…

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