


Thank you for popping in to see what this place is about.

I’m a writer living in Milwaukee and a proud member of Wisconsin Writers Association.

Simply put, my stories, prose, and poetry flow out of my time spent in the Word, morning by morning, listening to God speak to my heart.

This is where it starts, where I find my hope—day by day.

This is where I turn, mourn, dance.

It helps me see people and situations through the eyes of love and grace.

Of course, imagination, memories, and nature all play a huge part in my writing. Mostly, I want people to know how loved they are. For me, that took a while. It’s God’s timeless Story that changed my life. No matter where we are or what we’ve done, He never stops pursuing us.

I live in the house where I grew up with my very tall red-headed husband (who I met in high school, second marriage for both of us, but that’s another story), a large red dog, and a sassy feral cat, all of which I love like crazy. 

My new book, Just Along for the Ride ~ the Missionary Journey of Marc and Nancy Ericksonis about this couple’s unbelievable adventures with five children as they follow the call to bring medical care and God’s love to people all over the world. It will be released in October 2025 by Ten16 Press.

I love writing here on my blog to encourage hope in hard places, and I do hope you subscribe so we keep in touch.

You can also say hi on Instagram or Facebook. It’s wonderful to connect (or reconnect).

Thanks, again, for stopping by–


 Website: Norman Design / Starkmedia / Photos: Jeff Zmania / Design: Lisa Wenzler

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