I was tempted to sit down at my computer on the dining room table before church. Isn’t church enough time with God this morning, I wondered?, while I considered foregoing my usual quiet time.
I picked up my big steaming mug of coffee from the counter and glanced at the pages spread out across the table. I’m almost finished with the edits, I thought, but walked past, gathered up my glasses, Bible, pen and pencil, devotional and prayer book instead (I know, it’s an armful) and took a seat on the front porch.
The scent of the blueberry muffins in the oven mixed with the summer morning breeze and bird songs. “I want my life to be a song of worship.” Hadn’t I just prayed that?
As the wind shook the leaves on the over-arching trees, the chorus of chirps accompanied, creating an orchestral-like interlude, setting the tone to open my heart. I opened my Bible.
Psalm 92
“A psalm. A song. For the Sabbath day.”
How attentive is my Lord when I choose rightly!
“It is good to praise the LORD and make music to your name, O Most High, to proclaim your love in the morning and your faithfulness at night, to the music of the ten-stringed lyre and the melody of the harp…”
I couldn’t have chosen more descriptive words for what I was experiencing: A song of praise to our God.
“…planted in the house of the LORD, they will flourish in the courts of God. They will still bear fruit in old age, they will stay fresh and green…” (vss. 13 and 14)
What a beautiful thing it is to offer our thanks and know that we are heard.
“Honey!” I hear Todd call from the kitchen. “It’s time to get ready!”
“Okay!” I call back. Like a couple of bird calls, I think.
And this is why I always tend to run a little late…

1 Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord;
let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation.
2 Let us come before him with thanksgiving
and extol him with music and song.
Psalm 95
Absolutely lovely! 💐
Aww. So lovely to have you join me! 💕🎶🌻
I heard the music from here deb…different birds though. Then, I was able to lead the music part of worship in church so much easier with a morning like that. What a great psalm for this morning.
This looks quite familiar, Deb. I carried 1/3 of a book shelf out to the back porch this morning. I love spending my devotional time outside. The bugs that try to eat me love it too. 🦟
David, I do that too. I kept it a short stack, being Sunday and all. ❤️ So glad I’m not the only one! (I keep bug spray handy.) 🐜
I’ve always had a dream of helping to lead worship. I guess I do it best from my front porch. The birds and bugs might enjoy it. Who knows? ❤️ 🐞 💚 🐦
Deb,…this is absolutely beautiful. The words of truth, the comfort and warmth in your soul (like the coffee), the flow of the words and the front porch (and your awesome two loves) all blended with a Psalm. A Song. For the Sabbath. Much love and peace, my friend. ❤️
I’m another who loves to take my quiet time outside on the deck. And I REALLY love that statement of yours: “I want my life to be a song of worship!” AMEN to that! I need to give it some thoughtful consideration . What does a song-of-worship life look like? How can I foster that kind of life? What song might my Heavenly Father like best from me? I’ve written your statement on a 3 x 5, Deb, and tucked it in my prayer box, as a reminder to reflect on it further. Thank you for giving me something worthy to contemplate–and strive for!
Karla, it always feels like you can step right into my words, my heart. It’s so lovely to have you join me on the porch! I just love it❤️❤️
Nancy, you’ve had me thinking more about this too…Lord, make my life a song of worship…
When I consider the state of my mind and heart and sense of existence as I worship through music, either with others or individually, my focus is on God and I am brought into a place of surrender, thankfulness and joy. That’s how I want to spend these days I have on earth, regardless of what life slings at me. Worship lifts our eyes up, like Stephan in the midst of it. I guess mostly, for me, it’s the realization that it’s not about me but all about the One whose blood was shed for us and has given us new life beyond our imaginations. Everything flows from the Cross. Including my worship, my relationships, my life.
I’m so glad to join you, Deb. It’s a blessing! 💕💕💕
For me too!!🌻💛💕
BEAUTIFULLY said, Deb, from a BEAUTIFUL heart!
Thank you, Nancy. Until words touch another heart, they can’t come to life. 🥰❤️
I never thought of words like that–a very interesting perspective about them. Thank you, Deb!